See how to paint an exterior door. Find out how to prep the surface and which paint and primer to use on an outside door. Learn the right order to paint panels and details. Plus, get tips on how to paint the edges for professional looking results.
Learn how to prevent drips and get a smooth finish when spray painting. And, learn tips to prevent the can of spray paint from clogging.
Learn how to patch large or small holes in drywall. Find out the difference between spackle or joint compound and when to use them. Learn a simple way to repair a large hole using drywall repair clips.
Painting is the easiest way to transform any room in your home, but a sloppy paint job can result in a poor finish, extra cleanup and endless touch ups. Learn how paint a room the right way along with easy-to-follow advice for the 5 basic steps: Prep, Patch, Prime, Paint and Paint a Second Coat. And, get expert tips and shortcuts to save time.
Painting may seem simple, but it is a serious project and an investment in your home. Skipping steps like proper surface preparation can cost you plenty of time and money. Here are a few tips from Ace Hardware to help you end up with a professional-looking paint job quickly and easily.
Before you paint, prep the walls so you're painting on a smooth, clean, surface. The prep work has everything to do with how happy you'll be with the final results. Get tips to make this step easier and to ensure a flawless, professional-looking finish.
Professional painters will start by painting the ceilings first, then the walls and finish up with the trim. You'll want to make sure you're protecting the areas before you paint. Lou Manfredini, Ace's Home Expert, has some advice to help get the job done right.
Painting trim and molding isn't difficult, but there are some tips and techniques to learn so you'll be happiest with the finished results. Learn which tools make the job go faster, see how to apply paint to minimize drips and additional coats of paint.
Although oil-based paints require solvents to clean up brushes, most paints are latex, which means they clean with water. Check out these tips to clear up after a painting project with less mess and less waste.
Learn which painting applicators to use for large spaces, trim and detail work. Get expert tips on what basic, but high quality, supplies you need to paint a room including tips for choosing paint trays, liners and the tools, like extension poles, that make painting easier for ceilings or high walls. Learn how the roller nap you choose makes a difference in your finished paint job. And, learn the difference between natural and synthetic brushes and which type to use for painting.
Using painters tape requires just a little time, but it will save you time in removing drips and smudges. And they'll help you get sharp paint lines. Try these tips when preparing for your next paint project The extra time you spend in prep will prevent you from spending extra time correcting mistakes.
See how to transform plain doors with moldings and paint. Ace's Home Expert Lou Manfredini shows you how to makeover plain interior doors to match your decor. See simple steps to customize your look and finish the project with very little time, money and beginner's level DIY skill.